If you like the word puzzle Wordle but want a harder challenge, you might like the duotrigordle, which is a more difficult version of Wordle. Instead of trying to predict just one phrase, you will now have 37 chances to guess 32 different words. You can only type one word at a time, and you can choose from 32 different boards. To find as many correct words as possible, you have to read the boards one block at a time and use the different colored suggestions. Play duotrigordle and post your best scores on the website!
How does the card game Duotridordle work?
Choose a letter at random and type it as the word's first letter. 2. Do steps 1 and 2 again. Please use the keyboard at the bottom of the grid. The letter will be used in four different words at the same time.
Press the "Enter" key after you've typed the first five characters. Words should keep getting written on the board until it is completely full. When you correctly guess every word that has been written on the board, it will be locked and you will move on to the next duotrigordle wordle.
If you look at the color indicators, you can tell how close you are to naming the color correctly. If you find green tiles, it means you've found the letters and put them back in the right order. If there are yellow tiles, it means that the right letters were used, but the way the tiles were put together was wrong. The reason these tiles are gray is because the correct letters are missing from the whole word.
Go to the bottom of the page to see all 32 blocks. You have 37 chances to correctly name as many words as possible. Good luck!
Once you've solved all of the puzzles, you'll be able to post the answers to the website.
To find as many correct words as possible, you have to read the boards one block at a time and use the different colored suggestions. Play duotrigordle and post your best scores on the website!